November 18, 2012

Paris Photo Patron Trip

Patron Event

Paris Photo Patron Trip

Sunday, November 18

12:00 a.m. EST

Join Aperture in Paris for VIP Access to Paris Photo and all VIP activities organized by the fair, announcement of the first Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards, and guided tours of special exhibitions at Paris Photo.

Activities include a private tour of the exhibition Manuel Álvarez Bravo–Un photographe aux aguets (1902-2002) at Jeu de Paume with Marta Gili, director; exclusively arranged viewings of private collections and visits with internationally renowned photographers, including Lise Sarfati and Raphaël Dallaporta; cocktail receptions; and a celebratory dinner.

Click here to register.

For more information and to join our Patron Program, contact development@aperture.org.

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