Initiated in November 2012 by Aperture Foundation and Paris Photo, the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards celebrate the photobook’s contribution to the evolving narrative of photography, with prizes in three categories: First PhotoBook, PhotoBook of the Year, and Photography Catalogue of the Year.  Each year, the thirty-five shortlisted books are exhibited around the world, ensuring maximum exposure for all titles, including the winners in each category.

The photobook is central to the history of photography, from the conception of an artist’s work, to its documentation and dissemination. At Paris Photo, the photobook is thriving, and in the eight years that we have partnered with Aperture Foundation, we have seen a tremendous evolution in the field with a multiplicity of new forms and diverse content. We are proud to play a role in the recognition of these authors and publishers, and to bring together the photography community in celebration of this art form. We sincerely thank all of the artists, publishers, and designers who have taken part over the years; as well as the jury members who have accepted the difficult challenge of creating a shortlist each year in New York, and the final selections in Paris.

—        Florence Bourgeois (director, Paris Photo) and Christoph Wiesner (artistic director, Paris Photo)


Paris Photo, the world’s largest international art fair dedicated to the photographic medium. The annual event for collectors, professionals, artists, and enthusiasts, Paris Photo offers its visitors the most qualitative and diverse selection of artworks alongside an ambitious public programme with leading figures in the field.

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Moom Bookshop
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