Aperture 112 - Fall 1988
The inherent fascination of the photograph comes from its duality as truthteller and storyteller. Where truthtelling penetrates and describes reality, storytelling fills the timeless need to create fables. This issue examines the center of this duality where it is most apparent—in the annals of documentary photography as it evolved in America from the 1930s to the 1980s.
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Issue Details
Format: Paperback / softback
Publication date: 1988-09-01
Measurements: 9.6 x 11.39 x 0.25 inches
ISBN: 9780893812867
Table Of Contents
“A Good Honest Photograph”: Steichen, Stryker, and the Standard Oil of New Jersey Project by Maren Stange
Photographs by Louise and Edwin Rosskam, Arthur Rothstein, Sol Libsohn, Esther Bubley, Harold Corsini, Charles Rotkin, and John Vachon
Cezanne’s Apples and the Photo League: A Memoir by Louis Stettner
Photographs by Sy Kattelson, Harold Roth, Aaron Siskind, Arthur Leipzig, Walter Rosenblum, Jack Manning, Joe Schwartz, Sandra Weiner, Louis Stettner, David Robbins, Dan Weiner, and Morris Engel
Looking for Mr. Winogrand
By Helen Gary Bishop
Photographs by Garry Winogrand
Questioning Documentary
By Brian Wallis
Photographs by Trinh Minh-ha, Carrie Mae Weems, Lorna Simpson, Barbara Bloom, Judith Barry
People and Ideas
After Agee: Reviews of Rich and Poor by Jim Goldberg, American Pictures by Jacob Holtd, Merci Gonaïves by Danny Lyon, and Below the Line by Eugene Richards, by J. Ronald Green
A Commentary on Eugene Richards’s Below the Line by Robert Coles