Aperture 165 - Fall 2001
Aperture 165
Portfolios and Essays from William Eggleston and John Howell, Eikoh Hosoe and Carole Naggar, Tony D’Urso and Lyle Rexer, Paolo Pellegrin, Atta Kim, Elaine Ling, Ackroyd and Harvey, and Martin Barnes.
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Issue Details
80 pages
9 9/16 x 11 3/8 inches
2001-11-01 00:00:00
Table Of Contents
Sight Unseen in Plain Sight: Photographs by William Eggleston
by John Howell
Shot from unexpected vantage points with witty irreverence, Eggleston’s images of everyday things and ordinary people are wonderful and ominous.
The Costume of the Soul: Eikoh Hosoe’s Photographs of Butoh Dancer Kazuo Ohno
by Carole Naggar
Hosoe’s photographs of Butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno take on the aspect of ritual themselves, with each artist drawing inspiration from the other to create haunting scenes of myth and the supernatural.
Small Miracles: Christmas Pagentry in Southern Italy
Photographs by Tony D’Urso, Essay by Lyle Rexer
D’Urso’s color photographs capture the surreal spectacle of presepi vivent—a modern-day live enactment of the nativity with ancient roots that enshrine Italian villages.
Traces of War
by Paolo Pellegrin
Pellegrin’s lonely images of war-torn Kosovo bear witness to the devastation and the awful sense of solitude felt by those who have lost everything in the conflict.
Boxing Kim
by Atta Kim
Fusing installation and performance art, existentialist Kim deconstructs our perceptions of cultural and religious norms.
Abandoned, Namib Desert
by Elaine Ling
Ling’s travels in the Namib Desert reveal a world where abandoned places have been claimed by sand, and the outside has moved inside.
Photos on the Grass (At Last): The Chlorophyll Apparitions of Ackroyd and Harvey
Interview by Martin Barnes
A cross between scientific inquiry and fine art, the work of British artists Ackroyd and Harvey brings a whole new understanding to the meaning of photosynthesis.