Aperture 170 - Spring 2003
Aperture 170 – Spring 2003 – Hirai Terushichi – Photography Magazine
Portfolios and Essays from John Coffer and Frederick Kaufman, Jonas Bendiksen and Laara Matsen, Art Maples, Don McCullin and Diana C. Stoll, Thomas Kellner, Mikhail Baryshnikov, and Anne Wilkes Tucker.
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Issue Details
80 pages
9 9/16 x 11 3/8 inches
2003-02-01 00:00:00
Table Of Contents
The Atavist at Home: John Coffer’s Tintype World
by Frederick Kaufman
Kaufman goes on location to provide an intriguing behind-the-scenes look at the life and work of photographer John Coffer.
What Goes Up…: Russia’s Spaceship Junkyard
Photographs by Jonas Bendiksen, Introduction by Laara Matsen
An area of Russia once considered a natural pearl has become a junkyard for fallen booster engines and fuel tanks from Russia’s space program. Bendiksen’s images depict both sides of the cause and effect wrought by this litter from outer space.
Spectres of the Atomic Age
by Art Maples
Maples toured the United States to uncover the remnants of America’s Cold War. His surreal photos reveal a hidden world that is the tangible remains of a historical period of high hope and stark terror.
Damage Incurred: Don McCullin on Africa’s AIDS Crisis
Interview by Diana C. Stoll
Don McCullin talks about his career in conflict photography, how he feels about the state of photojournalism today, and his most recent project on the devastating HIV/AIDS situation in Africa.
All to Pieces: Fragmented Monuments
by Thomas Kellner
German photographer Thomas Kellner presents fragmented images of cultural and architectural icons Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, and London’s Tower Bridge using special cameras that photograph with eleven pinholes on one negative.
Mikhail Baryshnikov: Pointe and Shoot
Notes by Mikhail Baryshnikov, based upon an interview with Melissa Harris
Baryshnikov reveals how he discovered photography and how the camera serves to deepen memory.
A Parallel Vision: The Evolution of Photography in Japan
by Anne Wilkes Tucker
Wilkes Tucker contributes an illuminating essay about photography in Japan from the origins of the medium to today’s contemporary practitioners.