Aperture 210 - Spring 2013
Hello, Photography
This edition of Aperture relaunches the redesigned magazine under the title “Hello, Photography,” a playful nod to Daido Moriyama’s seminal project Bye, Bye Photography.
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Issue Details
This edition of Aperture relaunches the magazine under the title “Hello, Photography,” a playful nod to Daido Moriyama’s seminal project Bye, Bye Photography. Now divided into two distinct sections, “Words” and “Pictures,” the issue offers a broad sweep of key issues for photography today.
The new “Words” section brings readers the sharpest ideas on photography: Charlotte Cotton asks if institutions are stifling innovation; Geoffrey Batchen teases out what social media means for photography; Arthur Ou confronts the challenges of photographic education; and Robin Kesley investigates the key questions driving new scholarship today. Conversations round out this issue’s “Words” with Jeff Wall and Lucas Blalock, Mark Westmoreland and Akram Zaatari, and Virginia Rutledge and Penelope Umbrico.
“Pictures” is the magazine’s superbly printed new visual showcase. Featured for Spring are portfolios from the Gary Winogrand Archive, with curator Leo Rubinfien explaining his new edit to photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia; Jason Evans‘ street photography; Eva Respini introducing Michele Abeles; new work by Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin; a dispatch from Magnum’s latest road trip with Alec Soth, Zoe Strauss, Jim Goldberg and Mikhael Subotzky; an introduction to Christopher Williams by Matthew Witkovsky; Andrew Norman Wilson’s project on Google Books; James Welling speaks with Phil Chang; and more. Accessible new columns include The Collectors (with writing by novelists Sam Lipsyte, Teju Cole, Sheila Heti and Heidi Julavtis); Dispatches (Jason Fulford walks readers through San Francisco’s photo scene); and Redux (David Campany on a lost book by Victor Burgin).
Format: Paperback / softback
Number of pages: 152
Publication date: 2013-02-15
Measurements: 9.2 x 11.9 x 0.5 inches
ISBN: 9781597112321
Table Of Contents
Nine Years, A Million Conceptual Miles
by Charlotte Cotton
Jeff Wall: On Pictures
Conversation with Lucas Blalock
Observing by Watching: Joachim Schmid and the Art of Exchange
by Geoffrey Batchen
Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Thoughts on Recent Scholarship in Photography
by Robin Kelsey
Photo.edu: Toward a New Curriculum
by Arthur Ou
Akram Zaatari: Against Photography
Conversation with Mark Westmoreland
Decolonizing the Archives: The View from West Africa
by Jennifer Bajorek
The Image World is Flat
Penelope Umbrico in conversation with Virginia Rutledge
Christopher Williams
Introduction by Matthew S. Witkovsky
Revisiting the Garry Winogrand Archive
Philip-Lorca diCorcia in conversation with Leo Rubinfien
MIchele Abeles: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re
Introduction by Eva Respini
Jason Evans: NYLPT
Introduction by Aaron Schuman
Postcards from America: Jim Goldberg, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Zoe Strauss (with Ashley Thompson), Mikhael Subotzky, Donovan Wylie
Introduction by Chris Boot
Anouk Kruithof
Introduction by Lesley A. Martin
Andrew Norman Wilson: ScanOps
Conversation with Laurel Ptak
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin: To Photograph the Details of a Dark Horse in Low Light
Introduction by Brian Dillon
Phil Chang: Cache, Active
Conversation with James Welling