Aperture On Sight
Teaching visual literacy through photography
“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” —Dorothea Lange
Welcome to Aperture On Sight!
Aperture On Sight is designed to teach visual literacy through working with photography and creating photobooks. The curriculum combines art, visual and media literacy, and technology lessons. Learn more about how to get started.
A workbook for students to accompany the Aperture On Sight curriculum and encourage open dialogue and reflection.
Lesson 9
Lesson nine engages students in how to approach, photograph, and interact with subjects. This lesson encourages students to take what they have learned in previous…
Lesson 10
The tenth lesson challenges students to make spontaneous, natural-looking photographs of people on the street. Unlike the previous lesson where students collaborated with their subjects,…
Lesson 11
Lesson eleven introduces students to the idea of context: how and where we encounter images on a daily basis. Students will understand that where we…
Lesson 12
For the twelfth lesson, teachers are encouraged to bring in their favorite photobooks and hold a discussion about the different shapes, sizes, and designs of…
More Teaching Tools
Aperture offers consulting and workshops for schools and educators seeking to engage with Aperture’s twenty-session visual literacy and photography curriculum.
Novice and experienced arts educators become comfortable leading groups of students through interpreting and creating meaningful images with the coaching of an Aperture On Sight visual literacy trainer—a professional photographer and trained arts educator.
Aperture teaching artists, who helped to write, develop, and test the Aperture On Sight curriculum, are available to provide direct educational services to schools, camps, museums or after- school/weekend programs. Our teaching artists are trained to teach the program in a variety of environments as well as work with partners to meet organizations’ needs.
About Aperture
Aperture, a not-for-profit foundation, connects the photo community and its audiences with the most inspiring work, the sharpest ideas, and with each other—in print, in person, and online.
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Aperture Foundation’s corporate partners and their employees enjoy exclusive benefits and affiliation.