Untitled (Oran), from the series Diary: Exile, 2014-2016
by Abdo Shanan
Pigment print on fiber paper
Paper size: 24 x 16 inches
Edition of 6
Signed and numbered by the artist
Abdo Shanan (b. 1982, Oran, Algeria) is a member of collective 220. Until 2006, he studied Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Sirte, Libya. In 2012, he completed an internship at Magnum Photos Paris, giving him the opportunity to reflect on his photographic approach and make his first story for the magazine Rukh. His photographs are published in a number of printed and online magazines and newspapers. In 2015, he was nominated for the Magnum Foundation Emergency Fund, and in 2016 his series ‘Diary:Exile’ was selected for Addis Fotofest.