Call for Entries: Visible White Photo & Video Prize 2014
Visible White is an international call for photographic and video artworks curated by Paul di Felice and Marinella Paderni, which invites artists to reflect on the theme: You See Me. Personal Identities in the Digital Age.
Which values does artistic portrait photography have today in the digital age of social networks, in which everyone can become a do-it-yourself portrait photographer? The project explores new tendencies in contemporary, artistic portrait photography, which deals daily with the proliferation of DIY portraiture and the need to differentiate itself from amateur forms.
Twenty finalists will be chosen by a selection panel which includes:
 Jim Casper, LensCulture, Paris; Clare Grafik, head of exhibitions at The Photographers’ Gallery, London; Hripsimé Visser, curator of photography at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; and Bas Vroege, director of Paradox, Edam, the Netherlands. An exhibition of the twenty finalists’ artworks will be shown at the Fondazione Studio Marangoni Gallery, Florence, and will run May 16–June 16, 2014.
Visible White is a collaboration between Celeste Network, Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Stedelijk Museum, Paradox, LensCulture, and The Photographers’ Gallery.
The call for entries closes February 28, 2014. For more details, visit the prize page.