Recap: Workshop with Rinko Kawauchi

Over the weekend of September 14 and 15, workshop students spent a rare eight hours with the Japanese artist, Rinko Kawauchi.

Leading up to the opening of Ametsuchi at Aperture Gallery, Rinko Kawauchi led an insightful workshop over the weekend of September 14 and 15. Students spent a rare eight hours with the Japanese artist, working through presentations and conducting a portfolio review. The course cultivated an intuitive approach to all aspects of photographic workflow, from shooting to bookmaking, and students were left with a refreshed conception of the poetics of photography.

From the students:

“Rinko’s ability to expand on ideas about process and the nature of photography was very helpful.”
“The discussion was enlightening . . .”

To find out more about workshops and classes at Aperture, click here.

Ametsuchi, photographs by Rinko Kawauchi, is now available.