September 19, 2015


At Ten10 Studios - Long Island City, NY



Saturday, September 19

6:00 p.m. EDT

Ten10 Studios, 1010 47th Road, Long Island City, NY

Self Publish, Be Happy is turning five, and, to coincide with the release of the book Self Publish, Be Happy: A DIY Photobook Manual and Manifesto, copublished with Aperture this fall, the London-based organization embarks on its most ambitious bookmaking performance to date: twenty-four hours, three continents, eleven artists, one publication. On Saturday, September 19, starting at the Tokyo Art Book Fair, continuing at Unseen Photo Fair in Amsterdam, and finishing during the NY Art Book Fair at Ten10 Studios, artists will respond to the forthcoming publication and to each other’s work, across continents and time. The end result will be one collective DIY publication, edited and designed by Bruno Ceschel and Antonio de Luca, available for free download from the Aperture and Self Publish, Be Happy websites on Sunday, September 20. Audiences in each of the three cities will be able to witness the making of the publication, and everybody will be able to follow it live online at selfpublishbehappy.com.

Participating artists:
Tokyo: Hiroshi Takizawa, Yumiko Utsu, Maya Rochat

Amsterdam: Isabelle Wenzel, Jaap Scheeren, Justin James Reed

New York: Maurice van Es, Sophy Naess and Carmelle Safdie, Yuji Hamada, and Jason Fulford

Related events:
September 20: Talk at NY Art Book Fair

September 26 and 27: Workshop with Bruno Ceschel

Image: © Nicolas Haeni and Thomas Rousset / SPBH

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