SPE Annual Conference
Saturday, March 9
8:00 p.m. EST
Please join Aperture (booth #4) at the 2019 SPE Annual Conference: The Myths of Photography and the American Dream
Conference Dates: March 7 – 10
Exhibits Fair Dates: March 7 – 9
Featured Speakers
Matt Black, Nicole R. Fleetwood, Lauri Lyons, Ruddy Roye
Honored Educator
Arno Rafael Minkkinen
Special event: March 7, 7:00 pm
Signing with Nicole Fleetwood, contributing editor to Aperture magazine’s “Prison Nation” issue, following her keynote address, “The Photography of Mass Incarceration.”
The Myths of Photography and the American Dream
What are the 21st century myths surrounding photography and the American Dream? What is the function of these myths—whom do they serve and why? What is the role of race and class in the American Dream? What can photographs do in the 21st century beyond occupying the space of “art”? What role do photographs of “America” play in creating negative and positive myths beyond our shores regarding life and opportunity in the United States? Join Aperture and other thought leaders in Cleveland—home to some of the world’s largest community conversations about how to make our communities more resilient and just—to answer these and many other questions concerning The Myths of Photography and the American Dream.