Issue #002 - Spring 2012

The PhotoBook Review Issue 002

Guest edited by Markus Schaden, photobook educator and evangelist, former owner of, cofounder of the PhotoBook Museum, and a primary contributor to The Photobook in Art and Society: Participative Potentials of a Medium


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Issue Details

Guest Editor Markus Schaden brings us an issue that is “equal parts contemplation of the finer details of book-making and ebullient manifesto-making.” Schaden introduces “The Dummy Shop,” which focuses on maquette-making and includes various pieces on the role of the dummy in the photobook-making process, as well as an intriguing proposal for the burgeoning idea of Photobook Studies, including an exercise in diagramming the history and context of an individual book. Photo-historian Gerry Badger joins Tate Shaw, director of the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, New York, in a comparative read on the art of sequencing photographs. Profiles include the collaborative design and creative team of Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber, who publish under the name Böhm/Kobayashi; and Swedish designer and curator Greger Ulf Nilson. 

Table Of Contents

Features and Columns

Publisher’s Note
Lesley A. Martin

Editor’s Note: Developing the Photobook
Markus Schaden

Sequencing the Photobook
Gerry Badger

Sequencing the Photobook
Tate Shaw

Publisher Profile: Böhm/Kobayashi
Darius Himes

Designer Profile: Greger Ulf Nilson
Alan Rapp

The Dummy Shop: Introduction

The Last Dummy Show
Marks Schaden

Dummies as Books as Dummies
Machiel Botman on Kioshi Suzuki; Danny Lyon on Danny Lyon

Unfinished Diary of an Erotomaniac
Tamara Berghmans on Sanne Sannes

Photographer, Detective, Photobook-Maker
Ken Schles interviews Christian Patterson

Spotlight on the Dummy Prize
Thomas Weigand/Dieter Neubert

Introduction to Photobook Studies
Marks Schaden

Centerfold: The La Brea Matrix Photobook Study


Ivan Vartanian on
Katsumi Omori

Marc Feustel on
Taishi Hirokawa

Susan Bright on
POV Female

James Crump on
Ryan McGinley

Laurence Vecten on
Nina Poppe

Ramón Reverté on
Miguel Calderón

Joachim Brohm on
Michael Schmidt

Remí Coignet on
Paul Graham

Denise Wolff on
Helmut Newton

Paul Moakley on
Donald Weber

Marcel Feil on
Paolo Pellegrin

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