For Escobedo, who once built a home inspired by a camera obscura, photography has long influenced her ideas about architecture.
In his 1970s photographs from Colorado, Robert Adams finds the beauty and emotion in everyday homes.
Fumi Ishino’s photographs ask what happens when a house becomes unfamiliar.
For more than a decade, Alejandro Cartagena has photographed Mexican suburbs transformed by the rapid construction of new homes.
For the acclaimed architect, photography has always been a central approach to design.
In the postwar years, Ezra Stoller photographed iconic buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright and Mies van der Rohe. But, were his images a reality—or an ideal?
How did an early 1990s exhibition anticipate the transformation of family life in the U.S.?
The art world’s favorite architect on her photographic influences, designing sought-after homes, and how buildings can actually “do something.”
The many faces of “home” in Japanese photography.
The acclaimed architect reflects on what kinds of houses we build, and how we live in them.
Just as photographers have trained their lenses on the built environment, architects have equally been drawn to photography.
Aperture presents “Image Worlds to Come: Photography & AI,” a timely and urgent issue that explores how artificial intelligence is quickly transforming the field of photography and our broader culture of images.